Until 2 ½ years ago, I was part of regular society. I worked for eleven years as a medical librarian in a hospital in Tel Aviv. I then worked for eleven years as a librarian and archivist at Tel Aviv University, which is one of the best universities in Israel. My late wife was Israeli.
I came back to the States after my wife died. I wound up living in my uncle’s office. I couldn’t get a job because of age discrimination and I had a nervous breakdown. After being hospitalized, I wound up in an adult home in Brooklyn.
I have two Master’s degrees—one in Library Science from Queens College and one in History from Tel Aviv University. As an educated person, I felt an obligation to help others in my condition, so I became involved in CIAD.
I read a lot of history and classic and contemporary literature. I listen a lot to classical music. I follow baseball closely—I like the Mets.
At the moment I am contented where I am, but who knows what I will want in the future.